Wie gewöhne ich meine Katze an den KatzenRobo?

Sie haben Sorge, dass Ihre Katze sich nicht an das neue Katzenklo
gewöhnt? Wir nennen Ihnen 6 einfache Schritte, die Ihnen und Ihrer Katze bei der Um- und Eingewöhnung helfen können!

Frequently asked questions

Which cats is the CatRobo suitable for?

The CatRobo is basically suitable for all cats. Your cat should weigh a minimum of 0.7kg and a maximum of 10kg. You can measure your cat in advance while sitting and compare it with the dimensions of the cat robot.

How do I get my cat to use the CatRobo?

Cats are generally very curious and will happily explore any new object. Cats that are already used to a covered litter box will quickly adapt to the new litter box. We recommend placing the CatRobo in the same place as the old litter box. You can leave the old litter box nearby for a short period of time. Take some litter from the old litter box and add it to the clean litter in the CatRobo. As soon as your cat enters the CatRobo and feels the litter under its paws, it knows what to do.

How can I clean the CatRobo?

To clean the outer hood or surface of the CatRobo, please use a damp cleaning cloth. Make sure that no liquid enters the housing. The spreading compartment and the collecting container are removable and can therefore be easily removed and cleaned. Regular cleaning is recommended. Make sure all components are dry before reassembling.

Vorteile des Katzenrobos

katzenrobo mit katze


Automatische Reinigung dank Sensor und rotierendem Filtersystem


Lästige Reinigung wird von Roboter übernommen

Sichere Bedienung

Geprüfte Funktionen mit höchster Sicherheit für alle Haustiere


Geräuschloser Betrieb bei Tag und Nacht